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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
By Mahmud Tim Kargbo
Another pro-abortion disclaimer from a well-respected religious scholar and leader, this is not politics; it is perjury, which is unacceptable in any decent society. We were told that this New Direction would bring peaceful and positive change to the lives of the people. However, the presence of MASTERFUL LIARS in the New Direction, who continue to sabotage government policies and even go so far as to pit the government against our highly respected religious leaders, will surely render not just the Bio-led SLPP government unpopular, but also tarnish his legacy and completely destroy all chances of the SLPP sustaining governance.
When a man is caught lying in one instance, it suggests that he has likely been lying in several other ways before. When those occupying positions of social trust have the free will to tell lies—lies so blatant that they reek from a distance—against our respectable religious scholars and leaders to satisfy their greedy desires at the expense of their nation and political parties, it reflects poorly on their integrity. It also gives rationally minded citizens the impression of how they have been deceiving the President and the State in numerous other ways.
This is a testament to the fact that the so-called neocolonialist ideology, packaged and titled as the Safe Abortion Reproductive Bill, poses a grave threat to the sanctity of life and the moral fabric of our society. The Holy Bible, the Holy Quran, and fundamental human rights documents all affirm the inherent value of life from conception. Legalizing abortion will not only contradict these principles but also undermine the very foundations of a just and compassionate Sierra Leonean society.
Our religious leaders are wise enough to understand that, instead of embracing abortion as a solution, the Bio-led government must adhere to its initial constitutional and manifesto promise, which prioritizes policies that support women, protect the unborn, and uphold the sanctity of life. These neocolonialist and imperialist local agents in President Bio’s government fail to understand that true progress lies not in the destruction of life but in its preservation and celebration.
With such blatant lies being spread against our religious leaders, the neocolonialist and imperialist local agents shamelessly propagating the pro-abortion bill should bow their heads in shame.
In similar circumstances elsewhere, such blatant disregard for religious leaders by neocolonialist and imperialist local agents in President Bio’s government would have warranted their immediate resignation or removal from office. Our highly respected religious leaders should not be tainted by the desperate and deceitful lies of rogue neocolonialist and imperialist local agents in the current government of President Bio. Reliable information suggests that a sum of $1,500,000 USD was allocated to local agents by their respective neocolonialist and imperialist sponsors to advance the pro-abortion agenda. This funding was reportedly intended to influence three key institutions. According to my sources, two of these institutions have declined to proceed with the bill. However, a small group of individuals within one institution continues to push the agenda forward on multiple fronts.